How To Start A Research Paper On Domestic Violence – Tips And Tricks

When you have been tasked to write a paper on domestic violence, many things will always come to mind among which gendered violence, causes of domestic violence and may other issues which have a strong bearing with domestic feuds. Students of social studies partake on such studies and go as far as looking at possible amicable solutions which can always bring to rest this problem which has continued to bedevil many homes even in this information age. Well, an academic paper has three major sections namely introduction, body and conclusion. In this post, we however take a look at how best you can tackle a paper on domestic violence with a special emphasis on the starting point. Well, the introduction of any literary piece has always served varied functions. Apart from being just an entry point, it can either ruin or build your paper. A boring start will definitely earn you low pass as a marker will tend to stop reading any further.

If you ask any top best writers in your class, he or she will tell you just how important it is to focus on the introduction. With a consideration of a number of ways through which it can be started, you are bound to score high or low depending on your level of understanding. In this post, we take a leap into factors that will see you begin a paper of this nature and this is why a site like this is built, so check it out for more insights.

Giving statistical information

Domestic violence comes in many forms and around the world, it is a big debate. Domestic violence is not only a concern to gender activists but also the society at large given the fact that it has ruined many marriages. So, if you are doing a paper of this nature, a look into detailed statistics may very well be a great way to start your paper. You have to be very precise with the statistical information you are giving for this is the only way you can score highly on such a paper.

Definition of domestic violence

Domestic violence takes different forms and when you have a paper on this nature, a good way to start can be through a good definition.

An anecdote can do

You can also start a paper like this with an anecdote which has a strong bearing with the issue of domestic violence.

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