Basic Guidelines On How To Write An Outstanding Argumentative Research Paper

The purpose of this type of paper is to present an argument using sound reasoning and on a debatable topic. Thus, you can’t build your paper by basing your argument on a fact. You must use an issue that has more than one strong viewpoint revolving around it. People must be able to strongly agree or strongly disagree.

How to check your topic

  • You can make sure your topic is debatable by checking your thesis. Can people argue for or against your viewpoint?
  • You must be able to conduct quality research on your topic or issue
  • Is your argument specific? Too broad and you will have a difficult time presenting all the available evidence to support your position
  • Are you passionate enough to take a firm stance?
  • Are you able to clearly choose one side?
  • A yes answer to the above questions would indicate a good topic choice

How to take a firm stance on your topic

  • Don’t be afraid to boldly state your claim. Use passionate language and tell the reader exactly what your position is.
  • Cite experts who also share your position and why they do.
  • Use more than moral or religious claims as your supporting evidence. Provide facts and why they add credence to your position.
  • Make sure to present the opposing view and then refute their reasons and claims.

How to put the paper together

  • Brainstorm all your ideas and views. Write them down.
  • Do sufficient research to cover the foundation of your argument as well as the opposing view and associated claims.
  • Take all this gathered information and construct an outline for your paper. Group similar items together and form into a logical sequence. Main headings will become paragraphs, with subheadings filling in the sentences of each paragraph.
  • Using the outline as your guide, begin to write the body of the paper. Ensure each paragraph leads smoothly into the next.
  • Write the introduction paragraph. Make sure to include the argument statement. The introduction is meant to be a summary of the main points of the paper.
  • Write the conclusion, which is also a summary of the entire paper. Ensure the introduction and conclusion are not exactly the same. This concluding paragraph should move your reader towards deeper thinking and more complex understanding about the issue, yet not provide any new information that was not already presented in the body.

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