How To Compose A Quality Research Paper Layout In The MLA Format

Research papers are the most important task of your academic career. You have to be quite careful about writing one of those. You need to be quite sincere in choosing subjects for you work. The whole work is to be done within a semester and it should be submitted with a hard binding copy to your mentor. A large amount of grade depends on these works.

The work can be quite tedious and you have to know the exact procedure with which you can come up with a good paper. You have to be aware of the techniques used and the format of paper which should be chosen to write the specific kinds of paper. There are many formats of writing a paper. One of the most influential of them is the MLA format.

What is a MLA format?

The MLA is the abbreviation for the words Modern Language Association is a common style of writing a paper. These are used to cite sources within the work. It helps in specifying the formats that are to be used while formatting a paper and the use of English Language in proper way. They also provide the basic rules how an author can cite their sources with the help of parenthetical citation and works citied pages.

General guideline to be maintained to compose a quality paper:

  • - The standard size of your printing paper will be of 8.5 x 11inch. This must be maintained.
  • - The text of your paper should be double-spaced.
  • - The fonts used in writing the paper should be a legitimate one. It should not be too fuzzy and should be of 12 pt. The MLA refers generally the use of bold and italics as they are quite contrasting to each other.
  • The amount of space to be given of after any punctuation mark should be one. You should not be miss using spaces.
  • - The margins of your documents should be one inch on each side.
  • - The indentations should be done using the TAB button and not pressing space bar a numerous number of times. This helps to keep a decent margin else it would all get haphazard.
  • -There should be a header on the top right side of all your pages. This should be present in all the pages as this would help in finding topics easily.
  • - Italics should be used only when you have to emphasize any heading or long important information. It should be used in meaningful way.
  • - The endnotes should be included in a separate page.

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