Main Things To Know About The Research Paper Table Of Contents Format

If you are assigned a large composition, you will want to include all of the items that the teacher asked for in the instruction sheet. Some of these items will be hard copies of your research, rough drafts of the paper, a title page, a works cited or bibliography page, and possibly a table of contents page.

It is up to the instructor as to whether he or she wants a table of contents page. If one is to be included make sure that you format it correctly. Use these tips for making it perfect.


  • Use a size 12 font. Trust me your teacher will now if you use a 14 font or a 10 font. Use the standard size 12.

  • Use a very basic font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Save the cartoon font for your more creative piece.

  • There should be a centered heading. It should be one inch down from the margin and centered in the middle of the page. It will not need italics, bold letters, or any underlining. It, too, will be a size 12 font.

  • Once you sit down to line up the items in proper order, make sure all the pages, except for page one, have a number. These numbers must be correct, so that your table of contents is accurate.

  • There are different items to include such as the abstract, methodology, or works cited page. The style you are using and your teacher will dictate which of these you are including and in what order the items will go.

  • An example of how it may look:

    • Thesis………………………………………1

    • Abstract…………………………………….4

    • Methodology……………………………….5

    Again, what you include and what order they go in is determined by the style, such as MLA or Chicago, and the teacher. Some forms will ask you to move the beginning in five spaces; in that case it will look like this:

    • Abstract…………………………………..2

  • If any of this confuses you, you can seek assistance from a professional, use a model as you work, or use a template. All of these will ensure that you have something or someone to guide you as you work on this part of your project. Having help also allows you to focus on the contents of your paper, while someone or something concentrates on the format of your paper. This is reassuring.

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